New Version For Bing Ads Campaign Planner
Bing Ads recently released a new and improved version of the Campaign Planner tool, just in time for the holidays. The new version combines three capabilities within one friendly interface. New elements have been added to the Campaign Planner, making it a powerful, handy tool for advertisers.
The 3 new additions are: Vertical and Product Trends, …Read More
Bing Ads Offers Auction Insights In The Web User Interface
Currently in the US only, Bing Ads Auction Insights will be available in the web interface (UI). Auction Insights work this way – when a user performs a search on the Yahoo Bing Network, there is an internal auction process that determines which ads are shown and where they are placed on the search page. The Auction …Read More
Bing Ads To Test Close Variant Matching
Bing recently announced they will start including tests of close variants in exact match for a portion of queries. The test currently runs in USA only, and the exact match will include minor grammatical variations like spacing, abbreviations, plurals, misspellings and acronyms in the Bing Ads results.
Close variant matching is a useful way to drive more highly qualified …Read More
New Improvements In Bing Ads Targeting Updates
A lot of advertisers were looking for some enhancements and improvements in Bing Ads targeting capabilities. Recently, Bing has made several improvements in this area that are worth checking out.
An improved radius targeting that allows targeting at a more granular level. Advertisers can now specify radius in kilometers as well as miles. Plus, if until now advertisers could …Read More
Bing Ads Will Soon Allow Duplicate Keywords
Many Bing Ads users encounter this situation at least once or twice – you import a campaign or upload a new keyword set, and some of them are flagged as duplicate keywords. This happens when two keywords in an ad group have minimal differences such as hyphens or accents, and Bing Ads takes out these …Read More