With the launch of iOS 8, Facebook are making a few updates over the coming weeks to enhance the experience on the new device.
The new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ come with new and improved screen resolutions, so Facebook are doing their best to make the experience bigger and clearer. Over the coming weeks, all the features of the app should be available in the new device.
Also, sharing content on Facebook from other apps will be a lot easier with the new iOS 8. All the user has to do is simply tap the share icon and select Facebook, and they’ll be able to share links to websites, photos or videos directly from their camera roll, or content from other apps on their device. Users could easily select the audience they want to share with, tag friends, add a location, or say what’s on their mind or what they’re doing.
Another change made by Apple in the new iOS 8, is the “Location Services” settings. Previously, you only had two choices for the kind of permission you could give an app: On or Off, but now, you are given three choices: Always, While Using App, or Never. If your previous setting was On, the location setting will automatically change to Always.