Bing recently announced they will start including tests of close variants in exact match for a portion of queries. The test currently runs in USA only, and the exact match will include minor grammatical variations like spacing, abbreviations, plurals, misspellings and acronyms in the Bing Ads results.
Close variant matching is a useful way to drive more highly qualified click volume to your campaigns. It maximizes your presence on the most relevant queries to your business. This feature helps matching your ad to queries that represent the same intent as your ads. Close variant matching optimizes the match between your ad and the users queries, ensuring that your ad will be shown even when the query varies slightly from the keywords you’ve selected.
For those advertisers that wish to maintain precise control over their keyword choice, Bing still provides the tools to control the participation in the test. Advertiser who wants to indicate their preference for this feature, should simply go to “Advanced Settings”, and choose the preferred preference in the “Keyword Matching Options” section.